Meet our DHAKA 25k 2024 pacer, Md Ahsan Habib

Pacer of 25K

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Meet our DHAKA 25k 2024 pacer, Md Ahsan Habib. He'll serve as a pacer in the 25k category, completing the race in an impressive 3 hours and 10 minutes. At 48 years old, he's a government employee and a devoted family man, married having twin sons.

Introduced to running during his school days at Cadet College, he embraced the sport wholeheartedly. Beyond professional needs, running became a daily ritual and a manifestation of his love for it.

Overcoming professional demands, running is now an integral part of his life, intertwined with his passion. Despite a brief interruption due to the challenges of COVID-19 in 2020, where he faced respiratory issues, he resumed running in 2021, achieving a healthy body, a serene mind, and successful respiratory recovery.

Significant events include:
Bangabandhu Dhaka Marathon - 2022, 2023; Dhaka Half Marathon - 2019, 2020; Biman Half Marathon - 2023; Comilla Half Marathon - 2022; Mega City Half Marathon - 2023.

For aspiring runners, his advice is to listen to your body, embrace running regularly, and let running love you back, aiding in enjoying life to the fullest.

In the midst of the new generation, he envisions a health-conscious and drug-free Bangladesh, illuminated with dreams. Registration is ongoing; register at